Use "privilege|privileged|privileges|privileging" in a sentence

1. "30+ Examples of Cisgender Privilege" is one of Sam Killerman's privilege lists that he created for people of privilege to empathize with other, non-privileged individiuals

2. Marital Confidences Privilege The marital Confidences privilege is a form of privileged communication protecting the contents of confidential communications between a married couple

3. Note: You need the Drive service privilege and the Data Transfer privileges to see this option.

4. 4 Derrida Deconstruct the privileging of shit over crap.

5. Instead of becoming bitter over the privileges you do not have, take full advantage of the privilege you do have —the privilege of helping others to come to know Jehovah.

6. They are privileging a tiny number to the disadvantage of the rest.

7. access privileges to determine the correctness of assigned privileges.

8. This information is privileged.

9. That's Victoria's privileged spawn.

10. Abolition of tax privileges.

11. Further Privileges and Challenges

12. Privileged access to UNMOVIC archives


14. Now accounts can be open, but with withdrawal privileges only, no chequing privileges attached.

15. What a privilege!

16. She came from a privileged background.

17. A Privileged Share in Postwar Expansion

18. She comes from a privileged background.

19. Will the anointed be thus privileged?

20. Pioneering Led to Greater Privileges

21. • prohibition of privileged access: it is prohibited to grant public bodies, authorities or undertakings privileged access to finance.

22. · Differentiated access based on privileges;

23. Gate, in and out, privileges.

24. Requires the Update user administrator privilege and the Schema management admin API privilege.

25. Workstation configuration: limit administrative privileges

26. Learn more about Vault privileges.

27. The Privilege of Prayer

28. Noun, plural ar·is·toc·ra·cies. a class of persons holding exceptional rank and privileges, especially the hereditary nobility. a government or state ruled by an Aristocracy, elite, or privileged upper class

29. I was privileged to lead the team.

30. Only a privileged few benefited from it.

31. They come from a privileged/wealthy background.

32. Colorism refers to discrimination based on skin color. Colorism disadvantages people with darker skin while privileging those with lighter skin

33. Her privileged position now proved her undoing.

34. He came from a very privileged background.

35. She came from a financially privileged background.

36. Member Privileges Voting at the AGM

37. Privilege-based access system

38. □ What heavenly privileges await anointed Christians?

39. He never abuses his privilege.

40. Choice Privileges Terms and Conditions apply.

41. A law to Abrogate trading privileges

42. The Choice Privileges Visa account must be in good standing to maintain Choice Privileges Elite Gold membership status

43. We Artillerymen are indeed a very privileged group

44. We Artillerymen are indeed a very privileged group

45. Things no longer being for the privileged few?

46. You have anterior white privilege.

47. Those in authority were in a privileged position.

48. ◦ Employee Security Clearances and CPIC Access Privileges

49. The DEA just revoked my prescription privileges.

50. • information protected by solicitor-client privilege;

51. Why is prayer a sacred privilege?

52. Many would prefer privileged relationships to open trade.

53. Hence their privileged presence in his penthouse flat.

54. Only the privileged few can afford private education.

55. Prayer is a remarkable privilege.

56. Special privilege to special born.

57. This is a real privilege.

58. Initiative 1: Workstation configuration: limit administrative privileges

59. Several employees access privileges has been withdrawn.

60. So much for attorney-client privilege.

61. I was privileged to participate with President Henry B.

62. For official artists it meant living a privileged life.

63. Discussions between a lawyer and client are privileged communications.

64. I am privileged to address the General Assembly today.

65. The merged entity would have privileged access to wholesalers

66. How are those of the great crowd highly privileged?

67. As an ambassador, she enjoys a very privileged status.

68. I consider myself highly privileged to have this opportunity.

69. However, legal privilege is not absolute

70. Kings cannot privilege what God forbade.

71. A general privilege for investigative journalists?

72. I am privileged to have been given this opportunity.

73. I have privileged access to a top FSB operative.

74. Join Accelerated Profits today; Your Membership Privileges Include

75. What service will anointed Christians be privileged to perform?

76. Mercy is a privilege reserved for family.

77. He Arrogated the privilege to himself alone

78. Hence, he would not qualify for congregation privileges.

79. These privileges were the legal basis for serfdom.

80. Such discipline may involve the loss of privileges.